Park Avenue Church Renovation Plans

Spero Dei Church has purchased the Park Avenue Church and the house at the corner of 37th and Elkins Avenue. The proposed development plans were presented to neighbors at a neighborhood meeting on 1/30/2019 in advance of requesting a zoning appeal at the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting. The meeting notice was sent to property owners within 600 feet of the development location. Currently scheduled to be presented at the Board of Zoning appeals meeting on February 7, this will likely be deferred to allow for another community meeting with Councilmember Kathleen Murphy.
Proposed development plans for a renovation to the existing church at 3701 Park Avenue
-The building on the back of the church will be replaced and have the same footprint. It will be six feet taller.
-Since the current building is non-conforming to setback requirements, this will require setback exemptions.
-House on the corner of 37th and Elkins Avenue will remain as offices.
-Landscaping plans are to soften paved areas and add new landscaping with bioretention of stormwater. They will make it ADA compliant.
-They will replace all plumbing, electrical and HVAC and add fire protection interior sprinklers. Asbestos remediation will be done as needed (currently in testing).
-The requirement for parking is to have 1 parking space per 6 seats. They have proposed to have 260 seats. They have 19 spaces on site and plan to have a parking agreement with the school (they need 24 more spaces and the school has 66 spaces.)
-Timeline: No services until construction is completed. Demolition will occur Summer 2019. Completion expected March 2020.