37th Avenue Sidewalk update 3-1-18

At Councilwoman Kathleen Murphy's Community Meeting on 3-1-18, Amanda Neighbors, Sidewalks Program Manager, and Philip from the Public Works department presented an update on the 37th Avenue Sideway project. The wooden stakes that have been put out on 37th are guides for the utility companies such as NES to indicate where the construction is scheduled so that they can plan their projects. The sidewalk project consists of the sidewalk, a grass median between the sidewalk and road, and storm drainage infrastructure underneath the sidewalk for a cost of $750K. The easement process for buying the land from homeowners has several steps and legislation involved and the current status is that 15 out of 20 homeowners have signed off on the right-of-way easement as one of the first steps and the remaining are being negotiated. Phil said that this number shows that there is a lot of support for the sidewalk, and that this is a planned part of the whole process. The project is slated to be completed in the fall, with the major timeline delay due to the sidewalk construction contractor's workload and queue. The same contractor will be used for the Bowling Avenue sidewalk, and the 37th Avenue sidewalk will be completed before that project in the queue. Councilwoman Kathleen Murphy proposed working with SPNA, SHNA and Beautification Commissioner Trish Mixon to plant cherry trees along the grass median.
Metro Nashville Public Works has a live sidewalk project tracker online, and the 37th Avenue sidewalk's current status is: Construction Scheduled. You can also use this link to see the plans and the permit if you click on the project (37th Avenue North Sidewalk Improvements): http://mpw.nashville.gov/sidewalks/
Previous sidewalk updates:
December 2017: Councilwoman Kathleen Murphy's newsletter: https://us9.campaign-archive.com/?u=a1ed719a4fe1ac7e31bf4c225&id=c224db9dee
February 22, 2017: Sylvan Heights Blog post: http://sylvanheights.wixsite.com/shna/single-post/2017/02/22/37th-Avenue-Sidewalk-Community-Meeting-Update