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Sylvan Heights Mural 


Big News! The Sylvan Heights Neighborhood Association has been granted permission by CSX Transportation, Inc. to paint a mural on the railroad underpass on 37th Ave North rear Sentinel Drive. CSXT had a list of requirements which we were able to meet with a partnership with Nashville mural artist, Stephen Sloan. Stephen is a professional muralist and his work can be seen at and @neverxtinct,


There will be a fundraising campaign and sponsorship opportunities. If you are interested in being a sponsor please send an email here.


We will also be needing volunteers. This will be a great opportunity for anyone who wants to learn about the process of mural painting, and to meet your neighbors. More info to come. 

The mural will be on the walls of both sides of the railroad underpass.


Above is the current mural design by Stepen Sloan. We needed a design to get approval from CSXT with the understanding that we might want to make changes. All changes will need to be approved by CSXT.


As requested by CSXT, the “steps” on each side of the approach will also be painted. This will bring awareness to the low height of the bridge and narrow passageway. The top 2 steps will not be painted so we can maintain the required distance from the tracks.


Sylvan Heights Neighborhood Association, Nashville, TN 37209

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